Summer Staff Needs Each summer we hire up to 50 young people to serve Christ as a unified body at Trail's End Ranch. We offer the following positions each summer:
Staff Training is from June 2nd-June 18th Camp is 6 weeks-from June 19th-July 29th (staff are expected to stay through the 30th of July).
Quote from former Staff "Being on staff at TER is truly life changing. I was challenged in my relationship with Christ by being in His Word so many times daily. Having to teach kids makes you go deeper so you know what you are sharing. I would not have been able to succeed without learning to put my total faith in Christ. The situations today's youth are involved in force you to prepare yourself and rely on God!" - Beka Benzing
Why consider serving God at T.E.R. this summer? 1) This is a chance to be used by God to minister to kids. So many kids need a Godly example they can look up to. You can be that example and invest in their lives. 2) You will receive two weeks of intensive training to prepare you for the summer. We also have a well-trained full-time staff that will be here to invest in your life and be a resource to give you direction. 3) It will give you the chance to grow in your own spiritual life. Over the history of TER we have seen God work in phenomenal ways in our summer staff lives. Many have gone on to serve God full time because of the impact that one summer of serving Him made in their life. 4) Each summer our staff come from all over the country and even from around the world. You will make friendships with other staff that will last a lifetime and for all eternity. 5) Fun is at the core of everything we do. The ministry is very demanding yet, you will have fun with the kids, summer staff, full time staff, and the incredible amount of activities you will be involved in.
FINANCES In order to keep camp costs down, all of our staff raise their own support. We encourage you to make $3,000 your goal for the summer. We guarantee at least $2,800 (or 350 per week) for all of those who make the effort to raise support by having camp send out at least two letters for them to a minimum of fifty people. It's really quite simple! You write two letters (one in the beginning of the summer, the other in the middle), and give them to the camp along with a list of 50 people to send them to, and the camp will send everything out for you. Even if you do not raise the $2,800 on your own, if you make the effort, then that is your guarantee. We will send you a packet on how to raise support and will work with you every step of the way.